Once again Gumari has released the 2022 best firms in Italy ranking in terms of turnover.

Starting from the top architecture firms in Italy it is a known fact that “made in Italy” has achieved international recognition through a number of archistars, generally with a less entrepreneurial attitude than their foreign competitors, thus leading smaller firms, but also particularly strong in design.

The size of the Italian leader in architecture, , is 48 times smaller than Gensler, the largest architecture firm in the World. With a turnover of 25 Million euros, Lombardini22 is the largest architecture firm in Italy for the fourth year in a row with an ever-increasing turnover.

In second place Marco Casamonti & Partners with a turnover of 22M euros while the architecture firm founded with Laura Andreini and Giovanni Polazzi in 1988, , ranks at 11th place with less than 9M euros. ATI Project ranks third with 18M euros.

These results pushes ACPV Architects (founded by two prominent archistars, Antonio Citterio and Patricia Viel) from the third to the fifth position, while Progetto CMR, founded and powered by Massimo Roj remains sixth; from fifth to seventh slips, MC A (Mario Cucinella Architects); eighth ranks Starching, the first firm on top which combines architecture and engineering (like others that follow: General Planning, Gpa, Crew, which belongs to Italferr, Tekne, which also operates through an ESCo (energy service company), Hydea, …and has a further market opportunity through Maestrale (formerly a consortium), jointly founded with the engineering firms Ariatta and Redesco; ninth (from eighth) appears RPBW () which has a much bigger office in Paris (but no longer in New York) and is headed by the world most famous Italian architect; tenth (it was seventh) ranks , founded by Leonardo Cavalli and Giulio De Carli, which has made a reputation in complex facilities (especially airports and other transport terminals).

Also noteworthy, amongst the biggest architecture practices in Italy, there are the business performances of firms of two types: they either bear the names of famous Italian architects (and designers) generally being transformations of original “ateliers” with which they established their reputation or have chosen anonymous (but, when possible, appealing) labels and brands. Among the first category, in decreasing order of 2021 turnover: the firms created by Paolo Asti, Amedeo Schiattarella, Piero Lissoni and Patricia Urquiola (these two best known as designers), Stefano Boeri, Matteo Thun, Massimiliano Fuksas, Carlo Ratti, David Chipperfield (the only foreign archistar who has kept an office in Italy), Michele De Lucchi, Tiziano Binini, Alfonso Femia, Nicola Cantarelli, Flavio Albanese, Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Gianmaria Beretta, Marco Piva… With smaller practices operate talented architects like, in decreasing size, Fabrizio Rossi Prodi, Alessandro Scandurra, Paolo Desideri, André Straja, Cino Zucchi, Paolo Garretti, Massimo Iosa Ghini, Giuseppe Tortato, Fabio Novembre (also a famous designer), Rodolfo Dordoni, Guido Canali, Agostino Ghirardelli (and Giuseppe Blengini), Alberto Cecchetto, Simone Micheli, Gianluca Peluffo and Dante Benin.

The largest architecture firms in Italy by turnover in 2022 are:

1 Lombardini22  25.214
2 Marco Casamonti & Partners  22.419
3 ATI Project  18.106
4 Luca Dini Associati  17.232
5 ACPV Architects  17.195
6 Progetto CMR  13.214
7 MCA-Mario Cucinella Architects 13.135
8 Starching  12.715
9 Renzo Piano Building Workshop  12.679
10 One Works  11.698
11 Archea Associati  9.725
12 General Planning  8.720
13 Design Group Italia ID 7.701
14 Gpa 7.596
15 Asti Architetti 7.345
16 Tekne  7.328
17 Hydea  7.217
18 Mate  7.203
19 Pininfarina (architecture division)  6.894
20 Domus Ing & Arch 6.628
21 Crew – Cremonesi Workshop  6.360
22 DVA- DVision Architecture 6.251
23 Spi – Società Progettazioni Integrali 6.125
24 Il Prisma Architettura  6.066
25 LAND Italia  6.009
26 Studio Schiattarella e Associati  5.522
27 Lissoni Casal Ribeiro  5.239
28 Ideàs 5.220
29 Newark Engineering 5.189
30   4.955
31 Patricia Urquiola 4.766
32 GLA – Genius Loci Architettura 4.746
33 Zuccon In- ternational Project 4.651
34 J+S  4.625
35 Made to Measure  4.542
36   4.513
37 Minnucci Associati 4.355
38 Matteo Thun & Partners  4.188
39 Fuksas Architecture  4.147
40 Lissoni Associati  4.085
41 Planet Idea 4.057
42   4.019
43 4.001
44 David Chipperfield Architects 3.835
45 Francesco Paszkowski Design 3.801
46 Hangar Design Group 3.690
47 Michele De Lucchi 3.598
48 Binini Partners 3.581
49 Fortebis Integrated  Building Service 3.505
50 Archilinea 3.499
Source: Gumari, January 2023

As a result  49.1 percent of the 2021 turnover of the 200 major architecture firms is concentrated in Milan, also the capital of design (and occasionally in Brescia, the region’s second largest city), 17.9 percent in Tuscany (Florence and Pisa), 9.2 percent in Latium (which is to say in Rome), 7.1 percent in Emilia-Romagna (Bologna and Modena), 5.3 percent in Piedmont (Turin), … all the other nine regions trail behind (surprisingly even the industrious Veneto) with the remarkable absence of six regions (mostly in Southern Italy where the two islands Sicily and Sardinia stand out).

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