Based in Rotterdam, OMA is led by Rem Koolhaas, Ellen van Loon, Reinier de Graaf, Shohei Shigematsu, Iyad Alsaka, Chris van Duijn, Jason Long, and Managing Partner-Architect David Gianotten – and maintains offices in Rotterdam, New York, Hong Kong, Beijing, Doha, Dubai and Perth.

OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture is certainly amongst the most famous Dutch architecture firms. As they say, they are operating within the traditional boundaries of architecture and urbanism. AMO, a think tank within OMA, is a research and design studio that applies architectural thinking to domains beyond.

OMA is listed amongst our “Best architecture firms in the Netherlands

Manifesta 12 Palermo biennial concept unveiled: The Planetary Garden. Cultivating Coexistence.


During a press conference in Rome on November 27, Manifesta 12 Creative Mediators Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli from OMA, Andrés Jaque from the namesake architectural studio, Mirjam >>>

Manifesta 12 Palermo biennial concept unveiled: The Planetary Garden. Cultivating Coexistence.2019-02-15T09:16:46+01:00
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