timber constructions

The definition of “timber constructions” is something that is still evolving but what we define with “timber constructions” is sprouting up the world.

Wood have been used by societies around the world for thousands of years, nowadays timber architecture is facilitated by digital manufacture and computational design tools. This enables architects and engineers to develop even more complex and efficient wooden architectures.

Engineered timber is available in a range of many different products: cross laminated timber (CLT), glue laminated timber (Glulam), plywood, fibreboard, particle board, parallel strand, finger joint, beams and trusses.

Engineered timber allows for improved accuracy and finish, reduced waste, and no need for storage or further finishing on site, and many wooden architetures construction time has been shorter compared to a concrete construction;

Discover our latest architecture and design news about timber constuctions.

Discover dRMM de Rijke Marsh Morgan Architects with us during our London Festival of Architecture educational tour


dRMM is a London-based, international studio of architects and designers founded in 1995 and led by directors Alex de Rijke, Philip Marsh, Sadie Morgan and >>>

Discover dRMM de Rijke Marsh Morgan Architects with us during our London Festival of Architecture educational tour2021-01-18T19:21:08+01:00
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