Amongst the top architecture firms in Norway and the most renowned Worldwide, Snøhetta is an architecture firm based in Oslo and New York with offices in Paris, Hong-Kong, Innsbruck and Adelaide. Since its foundation in 1989, Snøhetta has maintained its original transdisciplinary approach, and integrates architectural, landscape, interior, product and graphic design across its projects.

The collaborative nature between Snøhetta’s different disciplines is an essential driving force of the practice. The Norwegian architecture firm’s working method practices a simultaneous exploration of traditional handicraft and cutting-edge digital technology.

At the heart of all Snøhetta’s work lies a commitment to social and environmental sustainability, shaping the built environment and design in the service of humanism.

They believe well-conceived design can help things run more efficiently, improve people’s well-being and make life more enjoyable. Every project is designed with strong, meaningful concepts in mind – concepts that can translate the ethos of its users and their context.

We stand for peace


Architects ambition has always been to build up and not to destroy. Architects think about the future, a sustainable future, and stand for peace. Archivibe >>>

We stand for peace2022-03-04T08:53:32+01:00