Glass Study Centre

The Glass Study Centre in Venice is based in the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore early reachable by ferry. In collaboration with Pentagram Stiftung, a private Swiss-based foundation whose statutory aim is to promote and support the art and culture of historic and contemporary glassmaking, especially Venetian glassmaking, the Giorgio Cini Foundation has launched Le Stanze del Vetro (The Glass Rooms), a long-term cultural project devoted to studying and highlighting the Venetian art of glassmaking in the 20th century.

For the purpose, the Cini Foundation has set up a dedicated Study Centre with a specialised library in its Institute of Art History. The Study Centre will construct a “General Archive of Venetian Glass” which will gradually gather the historical archives of various Murano glassmakers. Mainly consisting of designs, projects, correspondences and photographs, the archive material will be made available to the academic community and for use in reviving and developing the art of glassmaking. The Centre will also organise a programme of seminars, conferences and workshops for scholars and artists interested in the history, technology and development of the art of glassmaking.

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